SIMM Stack 4.1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SIMM Stack 4.1.1 4.1.1 0 111K 11/22/93 SIMM Stack 4.1.1 - This is a HyperCard stack which gives information on SIMMS for all types of Macs, Portables and Laserwriters. This stack is up to date as of November 12, 1993. Memory information is given for each type of Mac / printer such as RAM Speed, SIMM type, On Board RAM, Number of SIMM slots, Supported size in MB, Maximum RAM, Virtual Memory, On Board VRAM, Number of VRAM slots and 32 Bit Addressing. Drawings of the mother board are included for most, providing the location of the SIMMs on the board. Useful for those interested in learning more about SIMMs. Composite SIMM info is also given.
MacHistory 11/93 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacHistory 11/93 11/93 0 50K 11/22/93 MacHistory 11/93 - In an attempt to make some sense out of its current computer line, Apple has launched 14 new products to add to its line and our confusion. The Performa line will remain with its mass market customers, all LC's will eventually be drawn back to the Education channels, and the Quadra line will be the products you will find at your local retailer. It sounds so simple, but without a scorecard (MacHistory) it might be easy to lose track of what's out there, and where Macs have been. MacHistory gives infomation on the model number, small picture, processor, cpu speed, Maximum RAM, video display, max color display, maximum watts, intro date, discontinued date and more!
WorldFactbook 1993 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:WorldFactbook 1993 1.0 1.0 1993 0 1353K 11/20/93 WorldFactbook 1993 1.0 - The information here is from the electronic World Factbook, 1993 edition, a US Government publication. I loaded it into HyperCard, arranged it for convenience in your research, and scanned in the maps associated with each country (see the stack "World Factbook Maps 1.0"). There are over 1600 cards for the 266 nations, dependent areas, and other entities, plus the appendices, preface, etc. The information for each country is divided into six categories - Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, and Defense Forces. In general, this edition of the World Factbook presents information available as of 1 January 1993, but major political events have been updated through June 1993.
World Factbook Maps 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:World Factbook Maps 1.0 1.0 0 1072K 11/20/93 World Factbook Maps 1.0 - The information here is from the electronic World Factbook edition dated 15 October 1991. The author loaded it into HyperCard, and scanned in the maps associated with each country (see the stack "World Factbook Maps 1.0"; The author apologizes in advance for the poor quality of many of the scanned maps). There are 247 cards for the countries (or other entities), plus appendices. The fonts used are the Palatino family (since it looks good, and it comes with HyperCard) and 9-point Monaco (for columnized text). By Mark Zimmermann.
The Talking Watch 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Talking Watch 1.0 1.0 0 227K 11/20/93 The Talking Watch 1.0 - The Talking Watch, is a wonderful animated talking game that will teach children how to tell time. The Talking Watch uses a big giant clock face with hands that really move and Speech Manager, to ask and tell children the time. Pre-school aged children and up will quickly learn to tell time by seeing and hearing. Since Speech Manager is not readily available, I have designed the game to work without it. This is a better solution then to include the original Macintalk which is very unstable! The Talking Watch includes digitized sounds which will still give the game that fun talking atmosphere. If you have any question about Speech Manager please feel free to call the author.
QuizWhiz! 1.0.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:QuizWhiz! 1.0.1 1.0 0 67K 11/20/93 QuizWhiz! 1.0.1 - Someone called me up and asked if I could write a quiz program, one that would have multiple choice questions. QuizWhiz! is designed to let the author (you) be able to quickly learn and be able to write tests for the students (or users). It is very understandable with practically no learning curve, yet very powerful in features. With 'QuizWhiz!' you can enter as many questions as you like, with the appropriate answers, the program will keep tally of the users score and print it out. A few questions are already entered to give you an idea as to how it works. To add additional questions, just choose 'New card' from the edit menu. The password is in the documentation.
Open Book 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Open Book 1.0 1.0 0 2136K 11/20/93 Open Book 1.0 - Open Book is a Kanji teaching program. After opening the program, open the sample dictionary. Click on an English word, and the Kanji character will be shown, spelled out and pronounced (automatic translation between Kana and Romaji). The dictionary contains many words, and you can create your own dictionaries, and export to and import from other programs. After learning a few words, you can quiz yourself by seeing a Kanji character and choosing the correct English translation. Open Book keeps track of the user's statistics.
Mona 1.3 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mona 1.3 Demo 1.3demo 0 225K 11/20/93 Mona 1.3 Demo - Mona is a powerful tool with applicability to a wide range of engineering fields. The component template file provides the means to customize Mona with symbols and terms suitable to different environments. In Mona, you specify circuits the same way you normally visualize them - using a schematic diagram. Mona has many other useful features for making your circuit schematics look just right. You can drag and drop elements, cut and paste, annotate your diagram with text, align elements relative to one another, and much more. Many of these features are quite intuitive. Others you'll find by browsing through the menu items. This is a demo which will quit after 10 minutes, before registering.
MacCurveFit1.03 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacCurveFit1.03 1.03 0 251K 11/20/93 MacCurveFit1.03 - MacCurveFit is a program written for scientists, science students or anyone who wants to fit user defined functions to a set of data points. It was originally written to fit some rate equations to chemical kinetics data. The popular commercial graphics packages allow you to fit linear, polynomial and logarithmic curves to data, but most packages don’t let you specify your own equation. However MacCurveFit allows you to fit almost any equation you choose. The program also lets you directly manipulate the coefficients or constrain them to chosen values. It is very flexible in this regard and gives you control over which coefficients will be optimized and even which mathematical algorithm will be used.
C.B. of HumanAnatomy1.5 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:C.B. of HumanAnatomy1.5 1.5 0 457K 11/20/93 C.B. of HumanAnatomy1.5 - The Coloring Book of Human Anatomy is a fun way of learning about anatomy. You can choose either to look at the simple names of the bones, to look at more detailed names, or to color the bones. Included in this module are the three views of the skull, neck, spine, upper arm and elbow area. The drawings are beautiful and clear. Send in the $25 shareware fee to learn about more bones!
Tunefinder 1.4SW EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Tunefinder 1.4SW 1.4SW 0 281K 11/10/93 Tunefinder 1.4SW - What's that tune? Tunefinder will search through 8,000 of the most often heard melodies from classical and semiclassical music and show you the source of such a remembered melody. Just click - play eight notes of the melody on a piano keyboard diagram on the screen. You will hear each note as you play it. If the melody is in the database, Tunefinder will show you the name of the composer, the composition and the movement where the melody occurs. You can also add your own melodies. Great for educators, students and music lovers. Requires HyperCard.
The Boy and the Box EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Boy and the Box 0 414K 11/10/93 The Boy and the Box - This is a HyperCard visual story for children and adults, derived from a film the author did in 1987 (shot directly off the Mac screen). The story can be used for recreation or education, viewed and printed with or without captions. The story was written and illustrated by Richard Bucci. It's about a boy and his box. It's a sweet story (with a sarcastic ending!).
OnlineBible 2.0.4 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:OnlineBible 2.0.4 2.0.4 0 2934K 11/10/93 OnlineBible 2.0.4 - The Online Bible is a program designed to make Bible study easier and more productive. It is available for many English versions and foreign languages as well. Included in this archive is the King James Version with Strong's numbers. A great deal of thought has been given to making the Online Bible efficient, flexible and easy to use. It will perform all the tasks possible with a printed Bible and analytical concordance, quickly and with ease. One advantage of the Online Bible - Multi-word studies using a concordance are laborious and time-consuming. With the Online Bible, you can search for words, phrases, or combinations of words (ie. instances where "Jesus" and "Peter" appear together).
MathPad 2.15 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MathPad 2.15 2.15 0 85K 11/10/93 MathPad 2.15 - MathPad is a general purpose scientific calculator that uses text input rather than a graphic simulation of a hand held calculator. This allows you to see and edit your entire calculation. MathPad may be used as a calculator simply by typing in numbers and operators. When the ENTER key is hit, each line is evaluated and the results are inserted into the text. MathPad can do much more than act as a simple calculator. The built-in help file (choose Help from the File menu) gives some examples of more advanced features. There are also examples showing how to implement such things as equation solving, curvefitting, vector calculations and numerical solutions of differential equations.
Audio Spelling Tester 3.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Audio Spelling Tester 3.0 3.0 0 135K 11/10/93 Audio Spelling Tester 3.0 - This is a HyperCard ShareWare stack that allows a teacher or student to record words or phrases to be spelled correctly. You can also do neat stuff like recording sounds and trying to identify them (music theory, bird sounds for science, etc.). This works with the microphone that comes with all new Macs. Each word or phrase can be up to six seconds long. Lists can be as large as disk space allows. There is a review and test mode, and scores can be saved to disk. This version adds on screen keyboards with digitized voice pronunciation of each letter. This will allow students to click on screen to spell the words. The first keyboard available is in Spanish due to numerous requests.
Whales EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Whales 0 95K 10/28/93 Whales - Whales is a HyperCard stack dedicated to the Preservation and Conservation of the Great Whales. Included is information about the Odontocetes (Toothed Whales) and the Mysticetes (Baleen Whales). Both categories contain whale species which when clicked on, provide the common name, latin name, family, maximum diving depth, spout, adult length, adult weight, life span, estimated population, swimming speed, food gestation, calve length at birth and comments. A map with ranges can also be shown. Very informative.
Wetlands EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Wetlands 0 316K 10/28/93 Wetlands - The Wetlands Information Stack is a collection of government documents about wetlands. Topics include - What is a Wetland? Why are they important? Current Threats. What you can do, and References. Also included are a bunch of Conservation Quotes. Requires HyperCard.
TypingTutor1.2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:TypingTutor1.2 1.2 0 60K 10/28/93 TypingTutor1.2 - TypingTutor is a hypercard stack (2.0 or later) and is intended as an inexpensive alternative to the commercial typing-tutorial programs. It is designed to enable you to measure your typing speed and accuracy. It is also designed to help you improve your typing with seven interactive on-screen modules. The materials used in the modules are open-ended to enable you to customize the tutorial to meet your specific needs. Has seven interactive modules to help you improve your typing. A very flexible and good typing program.
The Mathathon 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Mathathon 1.0 1.0 0 222K 10/28/93 The Mathathon - The Mathathon v1.0 is an exciting all purpose math learning game for 1 or two players. This game simulates a talking spelling bee except that the subject is math. Children will be able to play with parents, friends or siblings. This program makes use of Apple’s new Speech Manager so it should be compatible with most Macintoshes. The MathaThon will ask either Player one or Player two to answer a math equation. Each player has a separate score board and timer, the child has to click on the button with the right answer. The game is a very exciting and creative way for children to learn math. Until the shareware fee is paid, only addition is accessible.
Telephone Chronology EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Telephone Chronology 0 36K 10/28/93 Telephone Chronology - The History of the Telephone Industry. This HyperCard Stack explains the development of competition in the U.S. telephone industry. Flip through the years and see how everything developed. Very interesting. Requires HyperCard.
SHAPES2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SHAPES2 2 0 81K 10/28/93 Shapes2 - Shapes is a HyperCard stack which will teach children to differentiate between circles, squares, diamonds, ovals, rectangles and triangles. The child first picks a category, then is presented with a group of shapes. Then he has to pick all of a certain shape out of the group. As he selects the right ones, they disappear. If the child selects the wrong ones, the name is said, reinforcing the names. Fun teaching tool which can be used with very young children.
Note Finder 1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:Note Finder 1.1 1.1 0 99K 10/28/93 Note Finder 1.1 - Note Finder is a tool that allows you to click on a note of standard music notation and see where that note is played on the guitar neck. It also shows octaves of the note. It can translate treble and bass cleff notation, making it useful for translating keyboard music to the guitar. Note Finder is part of the Guitar Tech MasterTools collection of tools for the guitarist. To find out the latest info, contact the author. Requires HyperCard.
Musical Space Invaders1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Musical Space Invaders1.0 1.0 0 242K 10/28/93 Musical Space Invaders1.0 - Musical Space Invaders v1.0 is an action style arcade game that will teach kids and adults to read music. You can purchase a product like the Miracle for 300 dollars or you can download this program and register it for $15.00, and get a program that's more functional and practical. Unlike the Miracle you can use your own midi keyboard or pick up one cheap from any retail store. Plug a midi cable into the modem port, and off you go! Rocket Ships will zoom across the Grand Staff and players must shoot them down by pressing the correct note on the midi keyboard. The player must shoot down as many ships as possible with the allotted fuel supply. Great graphics and sounds. Go buy a MIDI keyboard!
GradeBook 1.4 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GradeBook 1.4 1.4 0 160K 10/28/93 GradeBook 1.4 - GradeBook is written for school teachers to track a class of students. The three basic functions of the program are to record assignments and grades, compute student grades, and produce reports. A spreadsheet is used as the primary method of entering and maintaining data. The objective was to make the spreadsheet look much like the ones used in typical grade books. I have attempted to make the interface as friendly as possible and hope it is intuitive. GradeBook is free. However, if you use it you might drop the author a postcard.
Fretboard Notator 1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:Fretboard Notator 1.1 1.1 0 30K 10/28/93 Fretboard Notator 1.1 - Fretboard Notator allows you to click on a diagram of the guitar neck and see what note you are playing, how it is notated in standard music notation, and also in Guitar Tab. Fretboard Notator is part of the MasterTools collection of tools for the guitarist. You may order the complete set from the author. Requires HyperCard.
Flash Cards 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:Flash Cards 1.0 1.0 0 258K 10/28/93 Flash Cards 1.0 - Flash Cards was written to help a child learn her colors, shapes, numbers, and alphabet. It can be a valuable tool for those just starting to master the English language. It displays the color (shape, etc.) in the main section of the window. At the bottom of the window, it displays the name of the color (shape, etc.). Additionally, it speaks the name so that your child can learn the correct pronunciation. To change between colors, shapes, numbers, or the alphabet, simply select the desired flashcard type from the "FlashCards" menu.To hear the name of the current item, simply click the mouse anywhere in the bottom section of the window. Can be silenced for quizing. Easy for children to learn.
Best of Teachers Mac EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:B:Best of Teachers Mac 0 151K 10/28/93 Best of Teachers Mac - This was created both to be a resource for teachers and an introduction to people who may not be familiar with Teachers Mac or SchoolHouse Mac. It contains a collection of lesson plans, projects, ideas, HyperCard and Mac helps, and other material they hope will be useful to people who use Maces and are involved with k-12 education. All of the included articles are reprints form the last year and a half's Teachers Mac. Includes a lot of very informative articles (even if you're not a teacher!!) This stand-alone publication uses Museum as a presentation vehicle. Museum is a shareware program.
Alphabet Zoo 2.0 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Alphabet Zoo 2.0 Demo 2.0 demo 0 893K 10/28/93 Alphabet Zoo 2.0 Demo - Here is the 2.0 version of Alphabet Zoo Demo, software which uses eye catching animation and enticing sounds to teach children how to draw and recognize the letters of the alphabet. Version 2.0 adds IntelliTrace technology to provide real time visual feedback as the child uses the mouse or touch screen to draw the letters of the alphabet. As well as the new tracing capabilities, 2.0 adds a new exercise which has the child drag an icon of an animal to a particular letter of the alphabet. This helps with letter recognition skills. Alphabet Zoo is the first program in the Early Learning Series, which also includes the titles Number Aquarium and Sun & Moon. This demo is fully functional for A thru E.
The Ultimate Math Machine EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Ultimate Math Machine 0 225K 9/16/93 The Ultimate Math Machine - The Ultimate Math Machine is a very powerful and complete math program. It is a Talking Addition Magician, Talking Times Tables, Talking Subtraction Action and Division Magician all in one. It is the only basic mathematics program you will ever need. It's MacinTalk II (Speech Manager) ready, the latest and greatest technology! Speech Manager is capable of speeking all the numbers. This feature is very important for a children's math program and was not available with the old MacinTalk. Best of all, unlike the original MacinTalk, Speech Manager is compatible with all the new Macs! Does addition until registered ($15). Asks a math question, then the user picks the correct answer, multiple choice style.
The Talking Alphabet 1.5 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Talking Alphabet 1.5 1.5 0 241K 9/16/93 The Talking Alphabet 1.5 - The Talking Alphabet will teach children letters, words, reading, spelling, vocabulary and pronunciation. This program actually talks and interacts with children (using a MacInTalk voice). This is a good program for teaching capital letter recognition. After registering, you can add your own words. MacInTalk comes built into this program, and it works with the new sound manager, and System 6 or 7. You may want to sit with the child while he/she gets used to the MacInTalk voice, it's sometimes hard to understand! Enjoy.
Sun and Moon 1.0 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Sun and Moon 1.0 Demo 1.0 demo 0 856K 9/16/93 Sun and Moon 1.0 Demo - Sun and Moon is the third title in the Early Learning Series, which was co-developed by Software Perspectives and France & Associates. This program develops association and visual discrimination skills. Children find two objects that go together in the first activity. They point to the picture of the bird and the nest, for instance, rather than the car or the planet. In an alternate activity, students see a scene in which there are objects that don't belong. If they pick out all of the objects, they receive a reward! Sun and Moon encourages critical thinking, while appealing to children with its colorfulgraphics and sound. This demo has a sampling of the exercises in each activity, with sound.
Planet Facts 1.6 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Planet Facts 1.6 1.6 0 96K 9/16/93 Planet Facts 1.6 - An educational shareware stack that presents facts about the planetary bodies in our solar system. Information given for each planetary body (and defined) - distance from the sun, length of year and day, orbit eccentricity, orbit inclination, mass, diameter, gravity, density, tilt of axis, and information about the moon(s) - distance from planet, period of revolution and diameter. Greek and Roman names are also given. Diagrams are also given, showing our solar system, and individual planets and their moons.
Number Aquarium 1.0 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:Number Aquarium 1.0 Demo 1.0 Demo 0 622K 9/16/93 Number Aquarium 1.0 Demo (With Sound) - Number Aquarium integrates sounds and animations to teach number formation and recognition to early education students. In the first of two activities, the numbers 1 through 20 are each represented by animals of the sea, which show how to draw the numbers. For instance, Pamela Penguin demonstrates how to draw the number four. The child can then use the mouse or other pointing device to draw the number, with their progress traced on screen. The second activity emphasizes counting skills. Each animal presents a number of objects to be counted. The child then points to each object and the software counts along with the child. Demo works with numbers 1 to 5 only.
College Bound 4.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:College Bound 4.0 4.0 0 106K 9/16/93 College Bound 4.0 - College Bound is a tool for helping you look at college costs and to decide how much you need to start saving now to meet your future goals. For example, it can help you forecast college costs 15 years in the future or look at your obligations for a student starting school next year. An up-to-date database of over 650 four year colleges and universities allows the user to make a variety of comparisons that will yield a plan to meet their budget. The college database in this file has costs for the 1990-91 school year and will serve as a demo of the capabilities of College Bound. Requires Excel 4.0, but the authors can send the file saved in different versions of Excel if necessary.
Spelling Tester K -12 v1b EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Spelling Tester K -12 v1b 1b 0 254K 9/10/93 Spelling Tester K -12 v1b - Spelling Tester K Through 12, is a talking interactive color spelling program that exploits the new Macintosh speech manager. This program allows users to make spelling tests to teach children ages pre-school through 12th grade. The words can be of any length and order. Just type them into the list and they will become part of the program. The Index includes 13 selections, one for each grade (K through 12). This is a very sophisticated spelling program I am sure you will love it. Balloon help is included. The recommended ages for this program are preschool through adult. This version is completely functional. However, only registered users will be able to add their own words.
NoviceTypist.2.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NoviceTypist.2.1 2.1 0 123K 9/10/93 NoviceTypist.2.1 - Novice Typist is a "practice your typing" stack. It provides visual feedback as you type, using an on screen keyboard diagram (no need to look at your hands/keyboard). Many practice text files are included and you can make your own with this stack (or use a word processor). Lots of options - e.g., turn on/off the delete key, print out individual lesson results. Version 2 adds a few fixes and new pratice areas. One is a "free typing" screen for typing paragraphs/"Keep Out" signs/notes to friends (just what 6th graders need..., another is a "type the words before they get you" game. Currently being successfully used with 6th graders on LC IIs. This version fixes some bugs from 2.0.
Ed-U-Games 1.1003 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Ed-U-Games 1.1003 1.1003 0 775K 9/01/93 Ed-U-Games -This file includes a fully functional Game Driver, On Line Help Files, and Sample Material for 19 different types of play (MiniGames). The QuickTime material has been left out of the Sample Material to keep the file under 800K. Think of Ed-U-Games as the Ultimate Trivia Game Driver. Every type of knowledge testing game ever devised from Jeopardy and Trivia Pursuit to Name that Tune/Sound Byte/Picture/Movie, all rolled up into one seamless whole. There are Maps, Diagrams, Sound Bytes, Film Clips, Pictures, Drawings, Poems, Music and lots of text. Ed-U-Games is the product of six years of programming effort and testing. It defines the field of Knowledge Testing Games for now and into the future.
FlashCards 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:FlashCards 1.0 1.0 0 15K 9/01/93 FlashCards 1.0 - FlashCards 1.0 by Jeff Stetekluh drills addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, 100 cards at a time, letting you set time limits, and which tables to use. If the student enters the wrong answer or takes too long, the program beeps. It keeps track of those problems the student misses so they can be retested. It's not a flashy program, but much better than using (or making) paper flash cards. Any child will benefit from the practice. The author wants a postcard from you if you like the program.
Macintosh Memory Guide EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Macintosh Memory Guide 0 151K 8/26/93 Macintosh Memory Guide - This file includes two HyperCard stacks - The Macintosh Memory Guide and a Glossary. The Memory Guide is a simple explanation of memory and how to get the most from your macintosh, including a reference section for every Macintosh (as of 1991). Within the guide, if a word is underlined, you can double click on it to be taken directly to the glossary definition of that word. This HyperCard stack is for anyone wanting to know more about memory - usage, terms, making the most of... These two handy stacks are provided by Connectix, a company which produces many great commercial products.
Quick Action EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:Quick Action 0 108K 8/20/93 Quick Action - This is actually three files - QUICK SEAT, QUICK CALL and QUICK ROSTER. Quick Seat and Quick Call import the rosters prepared from the enclosed Quick Rosters or from your gradebook program, or from a word processor, data base, or spreadsheet. You may also type your students' names directly into a seating chart. If you are using Gradebook Plus or Grade Machine, your class lists will be imported directly. For other gradebooks, use their options to save your classes as TEXT files. You may also import text files from word processors, data bases, and spreadsheets. Should be a fun and helpful bunch of files for educators.
Interface7 1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Interface7 1.1 1.1 0 59K 8/20/93 Interface7 1.1 - This is a HyperCard stack which is an information stack for Mac novices on System 7 and the Macintosh Environment. Topics include Making your own Disaster Disk, Solving Extension and System problems, Re-Installing System software, Updating your Hard Disk Driver, Buying a new or used Mac, and Backing up your Data! Also included is a glossary with over 25 basic terms. The stack is written in a friendly and easily understandable manner. Includes easy printing capabilites.
Test Tools 1.5 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Test Tools 1.5 1.5 0 196K 8/11/93 Test Tools 1.5 - Test Tools is a pair of programs that makes it easier to give and grade tests, whether they be multiple choice, fill-in, true/false, essay or matching, or any combination of these. Tests created with Test Tools can either be printed out or given directly on the screen. Test Tools also lets you add pictures and sounds to your tests. Test Tools is easy to use, but you'll probably want to take a look at the manual.
MathBlast 2.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MathBlast 2.1 2.1 0 70K 8/11/93 MathBlast 2.1 - Recently improved, this HyperCard stack drills basic math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It has five skill levels to choose from, and will keep score for five, ten or fifteen problems, or will just keep track of number right and wrong, for as long as you want to play. A chime plays for a right answer, a bomb for a wrong one. Includes practice and testing modes. Anyone learning their math facts will have fun with this program.
Endangered Species EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Endangered Species 0 194K 8/11/93 Endangered Species - This is a HyperCard stack about 22 Endangered Species. This stack contains color pictures of endangered species, giving their name, historic range and the date they were placed on the endangered species list. Do not download for use on black and white machines, the pictures look bad. This stack can be freely distributed and used.
Presidents Tutorial EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Presidents Tutorial 0 46K 7/28/93 Presidents Tutorial - This is a HyperCard quiz program which will drill you on the Presidents. You can choose either to enter a name after the number is given, or to enter the number after the name is given. As a clue, information on when he lived, term and birthplace are given. You have three attempts to get it right, then the answer will be given. After you have played for a while, clicking on review will go re-quiz you on those that you missed.
Ohms Law/Series Circuits EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Ohms Law/Series Circuits 0 412K 7/28/93 Ohms Law/Series Circuits - The teaching of electronic principles is always a challenge when teaching High School students. The following hypercard stack represents many hours of creating an effective way of relating ohm's law as it relates to simple series circuits. This stack shows the student ohm's law definitions along with its related formulas. Then, the stack shows the rules and circuit configurations of simple series circuits, allowing the student to see the relationship of ohm's law as it relates to these circuits. Finally, the stack then quizes the student on what they have learned. (If the student gives wrong answers, then the student has to review previous cards before he or she can continue.)
HyperBlues EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:HyperBlues 0 166K 7/28/93 HyperBlues - HyperBlues is a HyperCard educational stack which teaches about the guitar. After the introduction, the user tunes his/her guitar by listening to the HyperCard sounds. The other cards include - techniques, 12 bar blues, The blues scale, scale exercises, short licks, A Blues Song, More boxes, 12 bar solo, Licks and Riffs, The Pentatonic Scale, Country Blues, Classic Licks, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Harmonization and Guitar Basics - pictures of the 17 common first position chord forms. Most of these cards include sound excerpts. Should be a helpful stack for those guitar enthusiasts who like to play to their Mac.
GUIDE.K-5 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GUIDE.K-5 0 11K 7/28/93 GUIDE.K-5 - This text file is an educational software guide will assist parents and teachers in purchasing comercial software for children in grades K-5. This guide suggests qualities to look for in software before you purchase. A listing with ratings of some educational software currently on the market is included. I welcome your feedback. This is a very informative guide for educators and parents.
Gems of Hubble EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:Gems of Hubble 0 1299K 7/28/93 Gems of Hubble - Miles above the Earth, Hubble Space Telescope has captured a wealth of spectacular color images of distant objects in space. "Gems of Hubble" lets you share in the excitement of NASA astronomers as you browse through this collection of pictures taken from Hubble's treasure room. "Gems of Hubble" is a HyperCard-based collection of vibrant, full-color images and informative text. With the click of a button, navigate at your own pace between images and captions. You need a color Macintosh, a hard disk with at least 2.7 MB of available space, System 7, and HyperCard or HyperCardPlayer version 2.1. An enjoyable interactive format which is fun and educational for all ages.
Chemistry Tutorial EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Chemistry Tutorial 0 51K 7/28/93 Chemistry Tutorial - This is a HyperCard quiz program which will drill you on your Periodic Table facts. You can choose either to enter a symbol of the element, or enter the element after being given the symbol, as a clue, the atomic number and atomic weights are given. You have three attempts to get it right, then the answer will be given. After you have played for a while, clicking on review will go re-quiz you on those that you missed.
Carrie’s Coins 1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Carrie’s Coins 1.1 1.1 0 121K 7/22/93 Carrie’s Coins 1.1 - This is a HyperCard teaching stack for young children (or foreign students). Pictures of scanned coins are shown, and a voice asks you to click on the quarter (or whatever). You'll be told whether you are right or wrong. The game also tests you knowledge of heads and tails. Should be a fun game for kids, and the quality of the scanning makes it easy to tell what the coins are supposed to be.
What Time Is It 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:What Time Is It 1.0 1.0 0 181K 7/15/93 What Time Is It 1.0 - This program will teach children to tell time. Color graphics, sound, verbal feedback and animation makes learning this important skill fast and fun. The Index includes - What Hour is it, A Quarter After, Half Past, A Quarter To, and Review. This program is Shareware. To register please send $10 to the above address. This version is completely functional except that part of the index is disabled. Registered uses will receive the unlocking code upon receipt of your check. Will E-mail or send key. Enjoy.
Spanish Vocabulary EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Spanish Vocabulary 0 14K 7/15/93 Spanish Vocabulary - These are fourteen different files to be used with MPower Flashcards. Open MPower, and select import. Then these files are used as english and spanish flashcards. A good tool for Spanish students.
Spanish Tutor 2.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Spanish Tutor 2.1 2.1 0 208K 7/15/93 Spanish Tutor 2.1 - This is a nice Spanish HyperCard tutor stack, which has more than 5,000 words and their translations conveniently organized into one of over 200 categories. Powerful data management features allow you to customize your stack by adding, editing or reorganizing terms, phrases or entire categories at your discretion. A great vocabulary driller for people wishing to learn spanish.
M-POWERFlashcrds.9b EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:M-POWERFlashcrds.9b .9b 0 34K 7/15/93 M-POWERFlashcrds.9b - M-POWER Flash Cards is a flash card stack applicable to many subjects. Has card marking and navigational features, automated card review, superior graphics, and the ability to print 3x5 cards. An extremely useful learning tool with particular appeal for students and teachers - a great help for anyone with the task of memorizing large amounts of new information. Keywords - flash, card, drill, memorization, memory, vocabulary, student, teacher.
Binominal 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:B:Binominal 1.0 1.0 0 17K 7/15/93 Binominal 1.0 - Suppose an event occurs with probability p per trial. Then what is the probability of its occuring k or more (or less) times in n trials? If this is a question you would like worked out, Binomial is for you. After entering the population proportion, case and total, it will calculate the binomial distribution, poisson distribution and normal distribution. If none of this makes any sense, this file's probably not for you!
Music Gym EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Music Gym 0 135K 7/07/93 Music Gym - This is a great learning tool for people who want to learn to recognize notes on staff, key signatures, pitches, and intervals using audio-visual feed back. There is also practice of major / minor scales (ascending). A (music) keyboard is not necessary, all note playing is done with the mouse. $5 shareware fee will obtain Music Gym 2 for the user.
NumericalOrder v5.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NumericalOrder v5.1 5.1 0 62K 7/01/93 NumericalOrder v5.1 - This is a stack I wrote for helping my young friend Joshua Garcia learn to count. If you click on the numbers you will hear them, if you click on the numbers in order you will get a reward of sight & sound. Josh likes it & I hope you do too. This version is about half the size of the last version, the reward sound isn't as great but it's still cool and it takes up half the disk space as the old version. I am currently working on Level Two, which is the same type of stack with more complex counting ie - counting by two's, counting the odd's, counting the even's, etc...
KanjiFlashDemo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:K:KanjiFlashDemo Demo 0 115K 7/01/93 KanjiFlashDemo - KanjiFlash is a interactive Japanese learning program designed to aid students in recognition and identification of Kanji characters. It includes three levels; first, second and third year, and the option of responding with meaning or pronounciation relating to each character. KanjiFlash is a HyperCard stack. It requires HyperCard 2.0 or higher to run. This is a demo, the full version is available for $20.
Fisher 2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:Fisher 2 0 18K 7/01/93 Fisher 2 - A scientific program. Compute Fisher's exact probability tt with exceptional speed. Also calculates chi-square and odds ratio. Improved interface to input data. Great for Biology and other science students.
4Square-LevelOne 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:4Square-LevelOne 1.0 1.0 0 86K 7/01/93 4Square-LevelOne 1.0 - This is a HyperCard stack I wrote for helping my young friend Joshua Garcia learn to identify "different". This stack is a "one-of-these- things-doesn't-belong" type of stack. It has over 30 cards in it, and uses seven different shapes. A wrong guess results on a "Bonk!" noise and a correct guess results in a "Zing!" type of noise. Six correct answers bring you the happy sound of trumpets! That's all. Josh likes it & I hope you do too.
Things Kids Should Know1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Things Kids Should Know1 1 0 250K 6/28/93 Things Kids Should Know1 - Things Kids Should Know is the first program in a collections the all parents and teachers will want to have. This series is dedicated to teaching children basic and necessary educational stables! The Days of the Week, The Days of the Month, Months of the Year, What Time is It, The Value of Money, How Many Inches, Fun With Fractions, What Color is this, Dial The Phone and How much Does it Weigh? This is a shareware demo which covers only the first three of the above topics, registered users will have access to the rest of the topics. Shareware fee is 12.50.
Talking Addition Magician EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Talking Addition Magician 0 273K 6/28/93 Talking Addition Magician - This is an exciting game for preschool and elementary level kids to learn addition. The Talking Addition Magician will make learning math fun and and stimulating. Children will be captivated by color graphics sound and animations as they quickly develop important math skills. This program is great for the home school or class room. The Talking Teacher will ask and show an addition equation. The student must click on the correct answer. Example: Mary "Two and Two are?" Its up to you to select the range and difficulty of the questions.
Take Off With Music1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Take Off With Music1.0 1.0 0 237K 6/28/93 Take Off With Music1.0 - Take Off With Music is a wonderful game for children and adults to learn music. It uses color graphics, sound and animation to arouse people's curiosity and make learning music fun! A random note will be played and hilighted on the piano keyboard. The corresponding notes for the keys will appear below as note buttons on the musical staff. The player must click the correct note button to answer the question. As you answer the right question, the notes on the musical staff light up. Its up to you to set the range, the time and the mode of entree. Young children may type the letter keys on the computer keypad until they learn how to use the mouse.
KARATEstack EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:K:KARATEstack 0 337K 6/28/93 KARATEstack - KARATEstack is a shareware educational program that shows the techniques of Korean karate, and uses Quicktime to demonstrate the various kicks made famous in Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwon Do. This is the only (to my knowledge) martial arts program on ANY computer. As the current saying goes "this ain't no game", but you will need a Macintosh! With Hypercard 2.0, and a system that will play Quicktime movies.
German Grammar Tutor.2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:German Grammar Tutor.2 .2 0 133K 6/28/93 German Grammar Tutor.2 - This is a thorough self-help German reference grammar for high school, college or independent learners. The different categories are - verbs, cases and endings, word order, time expressions, reference tables and drills (drills are only available after the shareware fee is paid). Read-only, requires HyperCard 2.0 or newer.
Creepin Critter Math 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Creepin Critter Math 1.0 1.0 0 54K 6/28/93 Creepin Critter Math 1.0 - This is an arcade-style game for practicing the math facts. The game can be played in two variations. The first is the "title" variation where four cockroaches are crawling up a wall toward four picture frames containing possible answers to a math-facts problem at the bottom of the screen. The student has to swat the bug below the correct answer before one of the bugs disappears under its picture frame. If the wrong bug is swatted, the other three keep crawling, and give the student an extra chance. In the other variation, the student pops the bubble under the correct answer instead of swatting a bug.
365 Technical Kanji EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:365 Technical Kanji 0 430K 6/28/93 365 Technical Kanji - A large stack of 365 kanji compiled as a study aid for a text called Basic Technical Japanese published by the University of Wisconsin and the University of Tokyo. (The book is not needed to learn from this stack). Features include 3 sort options, hidden entries, and easy printing. This is a great HyperCard learning tool for anyone interested in learning Kanji.
Strumulator EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Strumulator 0 110K 6/22/93 Strumulator - This is a HyperCard program which provides three lessons in guitar strumming. The first lesson - Strum down through your six strings to this rhythm of four quarter notes, one down-strum each. The second lesson - In order to follow one down strum with another, you have to move your hand back up, right? So let's make use of that up motion to create an eighth note rhythmic pattern! The program has play buttons so you can hear the teacher's version of each lesson. After a third similar lesson, you move to the Advanced Strumulator, where you can choose to play eighth or sixteenth strums or rests, and have the teacher play it. Cool program to use with a guitar strapped on!
First Lessons in Reading1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:First Lessons in Reading1.0 1.0 0 238K 6/22/93 First Lessons in Reading 1.0 - First lessons In Reading is a program that children will surely love. The talking reading teacher will enchant and make children laugh while they play hard at learning to read. The talking teacher will ask and show children a question on the blackboard. It will then pronounce, show and highlight three different answer possibilities. Children must then click on the best response with the mouse or type 1,2 or 3. Example - I live in a ? box, house, shoe. Their reply will get immediate audio, visual and graphic feedback which will both encourage and amuse them.
Chromatic Note Teacher1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Chromatic Note Teacher1.0 1.0 0 233K 6/22/93 Chromatic Note Teacher1.0 - The Chromatic Note Teacher 1.0 is the complement program to the Music Note Teacher 1.0. This set is a must for any private or institutional music teachers working with children or adults, or anyone interesting in learning music! This program will teach the complete chromatic notes Bass and Treble Clef to anyone who uses it. You will learn accidentals, sharps, flats and en harmonics. The most time consuming and difficult obstacle in learning to play an instrument is learning to read music. This program will make learning to read music a snap!
TimesTables1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:TimesTables1 1 0 20K 6/17/93 TimesTables1 - Times Tables is a great program for drilling with multiplication facts. This program presents a problem, and you type in the answer. The number attempted as well as the percent correctly answered are displayed. The user can choose to practice with numbers from 1 to 6, 1 to 12, or 6 to 12.
Planets0.1a EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Planets0.1a 0.1a 0 26K 6/17/93 Planets0.1a - Planets is intended to give some useful information, and basic definitions for students endeavoring to understand some of the makeup of our solar system. Definitions are givenfor A.V., Perihelion, Aphelion, Surface Gravity and Escape Velocity. Values for these are then given for each of the planets.
Anti-Times-Table1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Anti-Times-Table1 1 0 20K 6/17/93 Anti-Times-Table1 - Anti Times Table is a program to drill children in their multiplication facts. The questions are all in the form 5 x what = 10. The child can choose to use problems with numbers ranging from 1 to 6, 1 to 12, or 6 to 12. Also check out the program called Times Tables (where the child fills in the answer), by the same author.
Periodic Table 2.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Periodic Table 2.0 2.0 0 87K 6/16/93 Periodic Table 2.0 - This is a HyperCard application which is full of information on the Periodic Table. Clicking on any element on the Periodic Table brings up information such as - symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, family, specific gravity, electrol orbital configuration, electronegativity, covalent radii, ionic radii, valence, who discovered the element and when. Great for chemistry students.
Exam Builder Demo 2.12 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Exam Builder Demo 2.12 2.12 Demo 0 326K 6/15/93 Exam Builder Demo 2.12 - Exam Builder Demo is a HyperCard stack which creates True/False exams and Multiple choice exams. The exam can be printed, exported as text files, made into interactive stacks and many more features. This demo version limits the user to asking five questions, and limits some of the printing features.
Time Teacher1.1.3 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Time Teacher1.1.3 1.13 0 24K 6/15/93 Time Teacher1.1.3 - Time Teacher is a simple program which opens showing an analog clock with the hands pointing to various numbers. The user has four choices to pick to answer the question - What time is it? Correct answers receive a happy song, some beeps and a message, while wrong answers receive a sad song, beeps and a message. There are six difficulty levels which should provide plenty of practice!
Protein Structure EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Protein Structure 0 349K 6/15/93 Protein Structure - Protein Structure is a set of three versions of a HyperCard stack describing the four "levels" of protein structure. This is an educational stack created at the University of Arizona which gives a great deal of information on the structure of proteins including amino acids, chirality, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. In some areas, the click of a button brings up a beautiful 256 color 3D drawing of molecules. Great for Biology or Chemistry Buffs. Requires HyperCard 2.x and 256 colors.
MemSim 1.0f EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MemSim 1.0f 1.0f 0 117K 6/15/93 MemSim 1.0f - MemSim uses electrical circuit models to emulate the behavior of an elastic membrane subjected to any combination of velocity and force conditions. The user defines the properties of the membrane and the material it is made of; he also specifies source layouts and parameters. Finally, he has control over simulation parameters such as time step and granularity. MemSim requires an FPU or emulator (like the shareware Software FPU), a 68020 or better processor, and at least a portable-sized screen.
MacFormula 2.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacFormula 2.0 2.0 0 18K 6/15/93 MacFormula 2.0 - This programs purpose is to be able to quickly and accurately obtain the molecular weight of a given formula. MacFormula allows you to find either the average mass or the exact mass. You also have the option of performing an elemental analysis on you inputted formula. Also, you are able to input the number of milligrams of a given substance and calculate how many millimoles it would be. Great for Chemistry students, or for use in the laboratory.
Decimal&Fraction Maze D EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Decimal&Fraction Maze D Demo 0 645K 6/15/93 Decimal&Fraction Maze Demo - Welcome to the Decimal & Fraction Maze Demo! Designed for ages 8 to 15 and adult education, Decimal & Fraction Maze combines the fun of solving mazes with the challenge of math. Exercises include writing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, comparing, and rounding decimals, converting decimals to fractions, and reducing and comparing fractions (proper and improper) and mixed numbers. This game makes it fun to learn fractions!
Cloud Altitude 3.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Cloud Altitude 3.0 3.0 0 12K 6/02/93 Cloud Altitude 3.0 - Cloud Altitude is the new stand alone version of the old HyperCard stack which calculates the probable altitude and types of clouds given a day’s temperature and dew point (these may be found on your local newscast or newspaper). This application will work with System 6 or 7.
The Times Tables v1.01 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Times Tables v1.01 1.01 0 137K 5/31/93 The Times Tables v1.01 - Part of a Math Lab series, this game aids children in learning their times tables. Pick the multiplier (1 - 6 in this Demo version), and then a problem will be shown. Twelve possible answers are shown for you to pick from (from the multiplier chosen, times 1 through 12). Keeps track of how many rights and wrongs you have, and gives you a percentage as you quit.
The Math Musician v1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Math Musician v1.0 1.0 0 265K 5/31/93 The Math Musician v1.0 - This is part of the Music Lab series. Using eight types of notes (quarter notes, half notes, three quarter, whole notes..) and five types of rests, each is assigned a number value. Quarter note is 1, and half note is 2. Then a visual math problem is shown, such as two half notes and one whole note, and your job is to guess the answer (5 in this case). After playing the game, you will be more familiar with the notes and rests.
Speller Well v1.0 sea. EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Speller Well v1.0 sea. 1.0 0 170K 5/31/93 Speller Well v1.0 - Spell Well is a whiz program designed to teach spelling and vocabulary. Most of a word is given, and the player has to click on the correct letter to finish the word. The player has three choices, Left Letter Words - where you have to guess the first letter of the word, Middle Letter Words - where you have to guess a middle missing letter, or Right Letter Words - where you have to guess the last missing letter. The program keeps track of your progress, and will help you if you can't solve a word.
First Lessons in Math EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:First Lessons in Math 0 250K 5/31/93 First Lessons in Math - First Lessons in Math is an outstanding program that will teach basic counting, addition and subtraction to preschool aged children. There are a total of seven different lessons,each developing a specific mathematical concept. After completing the course children will be able to - count from 1-10, recognize the numbers at sight, and conceptualize their value, know where the numbers are a keyboard, count the number of objects in a picture set, add or subtract the values of two picture sets, and add and subtract real numbers in mathematical equations. Also keeps track of the student's progress. Paying the shareware fee gives access to the entire program.
Edgar Allan Poe III EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Edgar Allan Poe III III 0 53K 5/31/93 Edgar Allan Poe III - This HyperCard stack includes 10 Edgar Allen Poe Poems and his background history. The included poems are Sonnet-To Zante, Serenade, A Valentine, Eulalie - A Song, The Conqueror Worm, Bridal Ballad, An Enigma, Evening Star, The Lake To-, and To-.
MacSolutionsV3.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacSolutionsV3.0 3.0 0 42K 5/22/93 MacSolutionsV3.0 - This is a calculator-like program which performs calculations common in making chemical solutions.
The Talking Spelling Bee EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Talking Spelling Bee 0 243K 5/14/93 The Talking Spelling Bee - The Talking Spelling Bee is the second program in the Reading Lab Series. After learning the alphabets with the Talking Alphabet, children are now ready to learn to read and spell. Starting with Two letter words, "The Talking Spelling Bee" will ask you to spell a word. It will first say and show the word on the Blackboard. Each letter of the word will then turn into a question mark. The student must then recreate what they heard and saw by either typing the letter keys or by pressing the alphabet blocks with the mouse. As you spell the word, the question marks will turn into letters while simultaneously sounding each letter.
The Math Lab v1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Math Lab v1.0 1.0 0 171K 5/14/93 The Math Lab v1.0 - The Math Lab will provide teachers and parents with an extensive mathematical teaching and testing resource. Students will be able to study basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at any level. Students can work with equations as simple as 1+1= 2 or as difficult as 100 * 100= 10,000. This program will replace the need for math dittos and flash cards with a more exciting and fun way to learn math! The Math Lab is a full blown color compiled application with many custom features. First choose a subject Addition,Subtraction, Multiplication or Division. Then set the appropriate level of difficulty. Students have several options for entering answers.
Music Tutorial 1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Music Tutorial 1.0 1.0 0 225K 5/14/93 Music Tutorial 1.0 - A great stack containing over 80 cards with exercises and sound examples. This tutorial will help any user that is interested in learning the basics of music theory. The tutorial contains 24 lessons. Enjoy it and learn.
Music HTB 2.2 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Music HTB 2.2 L1 2.2 0 53K 5/14/93 Music HTB 2.2 L1 - First level HyperTextBook on Music. Updated information and a few minor bug fixes in the HTB Shell. Over 106 downloads of the previous version.
Instant PerCents 1.2 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Instant PerCents 1.2 Demo 0 350K 5/14/93 Instant PerCents 1.2 Demo - This demo contains all sounds of the full version (classical music clips and others). Should you wish to cut your download time, you may want to download instead the demo version that has had sounds removed. The Instant Math Series is now available in the new version 1.2! This is a set of productivity tools for teachers and parents. Have you ever checked a child's math problems, and found that you were spending nearly as much time as they did solving them? Who's the one going to school? The Instant Math Series will prepare tests or worksheets for you, as well as the answer keys.
Instant MathSheet 1.2 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Instant MathSheet 1.2 Demo 1.2 0 326K 5/14/93 Instant MathSheet 1.2 Demo - This demo contains all sounds of the full version (classical music clips and others). Should you wish to cut your download time, you may want to download instead the demo version that has had sounds removed. Version 1.2.1 corrects a problem with the numerator and denominator being reversed on the answer key for problem #10. The Instant Math Series is now available in the new version 1.2! This is a set of productivity tools for teachers and parents. Have you ever checked a child's math problems, and found that you were spending nearly as much time as they did solving them? Who's the one going to school?
Instant Decimals 1.2 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Instant Decimals 1.2 Demo 1.2 0 325K 5/14/93 Instant Decimals 1.2 Demo - This demo contains all sounds of the full version (classical music clips and others). Should you wish to cut your download time, you may want to download instead the demo version that has had sounds removed. The Instant Math Series is now available in the new version 1.2! This is a set of productivity tools for teachers and parents. Have you ever checked a child's math problems, and found that you were spending nearly as much time as they did solving them? Who's the one going to school? The Instant Math Series will prepare tests or worksheets for you, as well as the answer keys.
German EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:German 0 210K 5/14/93 German - This is not a demo, it is a full working version!! Full featured tutorial can be customized to your textbook. Over 5000 words in 240 different topics. Shareware, send what you think it is worth. Also in German and Spanish.
French EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:French 0 187K 5/14/93 French - This is not a demo it is full working version!! Full featured tutorial can be customized to your textbook. Over 5000 words in 240 different topics. Shareware, send what you think it is worth. Also in German, Spanish.
Declaration of Independence EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Declaration of Independence 0 5K 5/14/93 Declaration of Independence - this is a text file of the Declaration of Independence.
Brain HTB 2.2 L2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:B:Brain HTB 2.2 L2 2.2 0 76K 5/14/93 Brain HTB 2.2 L2 - Brain HTB 2.2 Level 2 - Information on the brain in HyperTextBook format. Level 2 contains the following topics ADVANCED BRAIN RESEARCH TECHNIQUES, ANATOMY AND FUNCTION, BRAIN WAVES, CHEMICAL ACTIVITY, EVOLUTION, MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE AND APPEARANCE.
Tester v0.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Tester v0.1 .1 0 59K 5/01/93 Tester v0.1 - this application helps you prepare for multiple choice exams. Included are examples for Drivers License tests and Ham operators license.
Philosophy HTB 2.1 L3 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Philosophy HTB 2.1 L3 2.1L3 0 618K 5/01/93 Philosophy HTB 2.1 L3 - The most amazing and complete HyperTextBook I've done to date. Level 3 of the Philosophy HyperTextBook takes one deeper into the subject of philosophy than any other product I've ever seen. It simply must be seen to be believed. If you yearn for knowledge, get a copy of this! Thanks for all of the shareware registrations!
The Addition Magician1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:The Addition Magician1.0 1.0 0 136K 4/21/93 The Addition Magician1.0 - This program will teach children the needed skills of number crunching. There are 10 different exercises or number groups to choose from, with over 120 different equations. The Addition Magician will give children tremendous speed and facility in dealing with numbers. Teachers will find it helpful for teaching and testing purposes. This program exploits full color graphics and sound. This is compiled program and is fully compatible with all Macintoshes. This version is fully functional except for exercises 8,9,10.
Measure for Measure EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Measure for Measure 0 57K 4/21/93 Measure for Measure - The complete ASCII text of William Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure."
LinearReg1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:L:LinearReg1.1 1.1 0 25K 4/14/93 LinearReg1.1 - This is a small application that does weighted and unweighted fits for xy data.
Mitosis EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mitosis 0 139K 4/09/93 Mitosis - A stack created to help students grasp the concepts and the process of simple cell division.
Inductor.Designer EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Inductor.Designer 0 19K 4/09/93 Inductor.Designer - An inductor is a coil of used in crossovers, among other things. "Inductor Designer" is a HyperCard stack that outputs the inductance of a coil of wire when the user inputs the bobbin size and either the number of turns or length of wire. It will also tell how much wire is needed for a given inductance. This is a good supplementary file for the "Crossover Designer" -also found here.
Eucliddocb18 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Eucliddocb18 18 0 86K 4/09/93 Eucliddocb18 - This is a Word Document of Euclid for version 1.8. This document will help you run Euclid more effectively.
Euclidb18 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Euclidb18 18 0 183K 4/09/93 Euclidb18 - MacEuclid is an easy-to-use program for creating, editing and analyzing reasoned arguments. When most individuals think of an "argument", they expect several participants communicating with each other. In the case of Euclid, however, an argument is any type of reasoned discourse. It may be a single person presenting a case, it could be several people collaborating to create a single case, or it could be a group of people arguing against each other. Euclid supports arguments created over long distances and stretches of time. Any research article or editorial can make great use of this program for formulating sound, logical arguments and clarifying them.
DriverParameters EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:DriverParameters 0 36K 4/09/93 DriverParameters - When designing stereo speakers you need to know the drivers, Qts, Qes, and Vas among other things. "Driver Parameters" is a HyperCard stack that calculates these quantities. The inputted information must be read from a graph of impedance versus frequency. The stack includes a short tutorial on how to measure a graph of impedance versus frequency using a millivolt meter and frequency generator.
Driver.Inductance EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Driver.Inductance 0 14K 4/09/93 Driver.Inductance - When designing the impedance compensator part of a stereo speaker's crossover you will need to know the woofer's inductance. "Driver Inductance" calculates a driver's inductance given some information that can be read from an Impedance versus Frequency graph. The crossover can be designed using my other program, "Crossover Designer," also found on America Online.
CrossOver EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:CrossOver 0 128K 4/09/93 CrossOver - A crossover is a set of electronic components that route the frequencies in a loudspeaker to the appropriate drivers in the speaker. "Crossover Designer" is a HyperCard stack that will design a crossover for a 2-way speaker system. It draws the circuit as it designs the crossover. The stack can add an impedance compensator on the woofer or tweeter, a notch filter on the tweeter, of a fixed L-pad on the tweeter. The user inputs the type of crossover, either Butterworth or all pass, the attenuation rate, 6db, 12db, 18db, or 24db per octave. The user also puts in the driver's impedances and the crossover frequency.
SmSolSysLT EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SmSolSysLT 0 132K 3/26/93 SmSolSysLT - As the name implies this program is designed to let you simulate a system of bodies that move under the influence of each other's mass. Many have written programs that attempt this task, but this implementation is quite different from any other I have seen. Among its features, it has a dynamic interactive three dimensional perspective display to view the bodies. I believe that the best way to learn is to experiment and be involved in the act of experimentation, and the best way to learn about this program is to try it. It has some brief descriptions about controls under its Help! menu, but full documentation is provided in the Microsoft Word file.
Math Tutor EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Math Tutor 1.3 0 11K 3/26/93 Math Tutor - This stack will help your child learn basic math. It automatically generates new problems, as well as marking them (with corrections, if necessary). The difficulty level can be set to your child's level of ability, with an upper limit on problem difficulty as well as a lower limit (to make sure it's not too easy!). Holds the interest of my six-year-old with no trouble at all. Version 1.3 (adds a percentage grade when child is done).
Magellan at Venus EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Magellan at Venus 0 718K 3/26/93 Magellan at Venus - Magellan, a NASA spacecraft sent to map the surface of Venus with imaging radar, was launched May 4, 1989 aboard the space shuttle Atlantis, and began radar operations for its mapping mission at Venus on September 15, 1990. The basic scientific instrument used on Magellan was a synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, able to look through the perpetually thick clouds of Venus to the planet's surface-a surface which prior to Magellan had been virtually "unseeable" in any detail. Magellan made surface objects as small as 120 meters (400 ft) visible, thus providing valuable new insight into the geological history of the planet.
JapanEase 1 & 2 DEMO EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:J:JapanEase 1 & 2 DEMO 0 441K 3/26/93 JapanEase 1 & 2 DEMO - this is a great educational demo that teaches how to speak Japan ease. Graphics and sound are used to the maximum benefit to teach you this interesting language. Order the real thing today and be ready for MacWorld Japan.
Irish EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Irish 0 276K 3/26/93 Irish - This is a collection of TEXT files designed as an introduction to the Irish Gaelic language. It is being distributed on the Internet by Trinity College, Dublin. I have cleaned up the files, using Mac fonts, so the "fada" punctuation looks like written Irish - see the README file for further.
HST Greatest Hits EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:HST Greatest Hits 0 455K 3/26/93 HST Greatest Hits - The Edwin P. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched and deployed in low Earth orbit (368 miles or 593 kilometers above the Earth) on April 24, 1990. A 94 1/2 inch (2.4 meter) reflecting telescope, the HST is designed to remain in operation in space for 15 years. It is the largest, most complex, and most sensitive civilian space observatory ever built by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and is in the process of undertaking, jointly with the European Space Agency (ESA), an international program of scientific exploration of the cosmos.
EESDEMO EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:EESDEMO 0 33K 3/26/93 EESDEMO - This is a demo of a database I did for the Planetary Association for Clean Energy. It has quite a few neat references on alternative energy sources -- some technically oriented from pretty respectable publications.
Computer.History EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Computer.History 0 164K 3/26/93 Computer.History - This stack is a complete history of computers done in a timeline format including a quiz to check your knowledge.
What about Chords? EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:What about Chords? 0 64K 2/16/93 What about Chords? - a hypercard stack about guitar chords for educational purposes.
SHAPES Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SHAPES Demo 0 94K 2/16/93 SHAPES Demo - complete guide to guitar chords in Hypercard format.
Roman Numerals EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:Roman Numerals 0 14K 2/16/93 Roman Numerals - This is a stack for HyperCard version 2.1 or higher. It will convert roman numerals to normal numbers, and normal numbers to roman numerals. It is very straightfoward, and it is shareware. Support those who support you, and don't forget to give a copy of this to someone you know. "Brought to you by The Real Mac Man."
Night Roses EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:Night Roses 0 97K 2/16/93 Night Roses - this is a great file of poems that can be played for you.
GradeComputer1.0.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GradeComputer1.0.1 1.0.1 0 12K 2/16/93 GradeComputer1.0.1 - GradeComputer is a powerful, easy-to-use HyperCard stack that calculates a student's grade. GradeComputer was written for middle school and high school students.
GradebookPlus601 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GradebookPlus601 601 0 186K 2/16/93 GradebookPlus601 - Gradebook Plus is the Apple Computer award-winning grading program by Mindscape. It has a tremendous number of great options for record keeping and report printing! It's the Ultimate!! Please try this demonstration.
Edgar Allan Poe II EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Edgar Allan Poe II 0 52K 2/16/93 Edgar Allan Poe II - this is the second volume of the Edgar Allan Poe series. Edgar Allan Poe stories are great stuff!
InteractiveGradebook EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:InteractiveGradebook 0 50K 2/05/93 InteractiveGradebook - This gradebook is the best, (if I don't say so myself!). It is easy to use, allows quick entry of scores, allows point basis or weight basis grading, has convenient printing features, displays all of a students scores on a single card, provides the averages of each assignment and for each class overall, has detailed instructions, and best of all it has two interactive features that involve students. With a computer in the classroom, you can use the gradebook to call on students randomly and award or subtract bonus points. The gradebook will keep track of the bonus points and you can incorporate them.
College Savings EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:College Savings 0 4K 2/05/93 College Savings - This spreadsheet will help you figure out the monthly and annual investment required to fund your child's college expenses. All you enter is five key assumptions.
Edgar Allan Poe EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Edgar Allan Poe 0 80K 1/15/93 Edgar Allan Poe - This is a stack full of Edgar Allan Poe works. This is a great stack for educational purposes and includes nice graphics and sound. An interesting HyperCard stack featuring the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. Freeware.
PROBABILITY CALC EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:PROBABILITY CALC 0 17K 1/01/93 PROBABILITY CALC - Probability Calculator allows you to calculate the probability of obtaining a value from a Normal, Students t, Chi-Square, F, or binomial distribution that is as extreme or more extreme than the value entered. This software may be used to circumvent the use of lookup tables. Developed for System 7, but runs on System 6.05 or later. Shareware.
BabySmash EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:B:BabySmash 0 139K 1/01/93 BabySmash - BabySmash is a shareware application that is for keeping your young kids happy without them accidentally dragging your word processor into the trash can. It basically just puts up random shapes and plays random sounds when your kid smashes on the keyboard (baby smash?) I know it sounds really stupid, and I'll admit it's my first real Mac program, but it's surprisingly catchy to those under the age of 5. I am amazed at how well it holds their attention. You can put your own sounds into BabySmash using Sound Mover. Main screen only. System 7 friendly and 32-bit clean. Shareware.
VocabuLarry EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:VocabuLarry 0 22K 12/28/92 VocabuLarry - VocabuLarry is a simple program to help you improve your vocabulary in the foreign language of your choice. This is an initial beta release. Using the program is fairly straightforward. lang a->b and lang b->a shows you a word, and you're expected to type in the translation. Flash Cards and Flash Cards2 shows a word (and says the word if you've recorded it), waits a few seconds, and then shows the translation. You can change the "german" and "english" with "options…". There's some (actually very little) balloon help in case you get stuck (and have system 7).
MacNursingCPR EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacNursingCPR 0 152K 12/28/92 MacNursingCPR - gives step by step details in the use of CPR and how to utilize it on individuals in need.
MacMolecule1.7 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacMolecule1.7 1.7 0 209K 12/28/92 MacMolecule1.7 - MacMolecule 1.7 is a program designed for creating 3D-images of molecules for use in teaching molecular structure to students of biology, chemistry, and allied fields. Molecules have defined structures, determined by the types and numbers of atoms in the molecule, the size of the atoms, the orientation of the atoms in 3-dimensional space, and the covalent and non-covalent bonding between atoms. The structure of many molecules have been solved by X- ray crystallography. Databases have been established as repositories of known structures.
MacMolecule Images EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MacMolecule Images 0 280K 12/28/92 MacMolecule Images - MacMolecule 1.7 data files have been modified from MacMolecule 1.0 to accommodate information about covalent bond locations, the desired default image form (space-filling, ball-and-stick, wire-frame), and the atom diameters for ball-and-stick models. MacMolecule 1.5 files can be read directly by MacMolecule 1.7, or updated by inclusion of text information for the text pull-down menu. MacMolecule 1.7 will display MacMolecule 1.0 images, but only in space-filling mode. This file contains the images for MacMolecule.
SatTrak EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SatTrak 1.02 0 174K 12/23/92 SatTrak - Enclosed is an archive containing SatTrak, a satellite tracking program for the Mac. It allows you to plot the position of any satellite, including a real-time graphical display. It does quite a few other things of interest to hams/SWL's - it calculates beam headings, grid locators, line-of-sight distance to the horizon, MUF (maximum usable frequency) predictions, wavelengths/harmonics, and even shows a couple of simple dipole designs. This is version 1.02, which supercedes versions 1.0 and 1.01.
Quotable Quotes 3.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:Quotable Quotes 3.0 3.0 0 285K 12/23/92 Quotable Quotes 3.0 - This upgrade of my stack has 1200 hand-picked quotes. (Whew!) They are divided into 7 parts, each with its own design, font and clip art. Features include a "Quotes" menu, access fields to see quotations within a part, and a more user-friendly AuthorIndex. Topics include art, books, computing, cooking, definitions, eating, film, humor, love, music, philosophy, women and writing. It's an interesting and amusing collection. Also, it's easy to add your own quotations.
PrimeFactor 1.1.5 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:PrimeFactor 1.1.5 1.1.5 0 31K 12/23/92 PrimeFactor 1.1.5 - This is a hypercard stack that calculates prime numbers.
Mythology HTB 2.1 Level 1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mythology HTB 2.1 Level 1 2.1 0 66K 12/23/92 Mythology HTB 2.1 Level 1 - Information on Mythology in HyperTextBook format. Level 1 contains the following topicANCIENT NEAR EASTERN MYTHOLOGIES, Celtic Mythology, Greek Mythology, Indian Mythology, INDO-EUROPEAN MYTHOLOGY, MYTH AND CULTURE, Norse (Germanic and Scandinavian) Mythology, Roman Mythology, THE STUDY OF MYTH, TYPES OF MYTHS.
Mesopotamian A&A HTB 2.1 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mesopotamian A&A HTB 2.1 L1 2.1 0 42K 12/23/92 Mesopotamian A&A HTB 2.1 - Information on Mesopotamian Art and Architecture in HyperTextBook format. Level 1 contains the following topics - AKKADIAN PERIOD (c.2370-2230 BC), EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD (c.2900-2370 BC), ISIN-LARSA AND OLD BABYLONIAN PERIODS (c.2006-c.1600 BC), NEO-ASSYRIAN PERIOD (c.1000-612 BC), NEO-BABYLONIAN PERIOD (609-539 BC), NEO-SUMERIAN PERIOD (c.2230-2000 BC), PROTOLITERATE PERIOD (c.3500-2900 BC).
Medicine HTB 2.1 Level 1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Medicine HTB 2.1 Level 1 2.1 0 46K 12/23/92 Medicine HTB 2.1 Level 1 - Information on Medicine in HyperTextBook format. Level 1 contains the following topics - HEALTH-CARE FACILITIES, STANDARDS OF PRACTICE, THE BRANCHES OF MEDICINE, THE ECONOMICS OF HEALTH CARE TRENDS IN MEDICINE.
Math Flashcards 1.3 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Math Flashcards 1.3 1.3 0 50K 12/23/92 Math Flashcards 1.3 - This stack will help your child learn basic math. It automatically generates new problems, as well as marking them (with corrections, if necessary). The difficulty level can be set to your child's level of ability, with an upper limit on problem difficulty as well as a lower limit (to make sure it's not too easy!). Holds the interest of my six-year-old with no trouble at all. Version 1.3 (adds a percentage grade when child is done).
Linguistics HTB 2.1 Level 1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:L:Linguistics HTB 2.1 Level 1 2.1 0 43K 12/23/92 Linguistics HTB 2.1 Level 1 - Information on Linguistics in HyperTextBook format. Level 1 contains the following topics - Language in Time and Space Language, Culture, Society, and The Individual, The Major Branches of Linguistics.
House in Architecture HTB 2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:House in Architecture HTB 2 2.1 0 43K 12/23/92 House in Architecture HTB 2.1 - Information about the House in Western Architecture in easy to use HyperTextBook format. This is Level 1, and contains the following topics CONTEMPORARY HOUSE CONSTRUCTION, DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE, HOUSE IN WESTERN ARCHITECTURE.
Extragalactic Systems HTB 2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Extragalactic Systems HTB 2 2.1 0 41K 12/23/92 Extragalactic Systems HTB 2.1 - Information about extragalactic systems in easy to use HyperTextBook format. This is Level 1, and contains the following topics CHARACTERISTICS OF EXTRAGALACTIC SYSTEMS, DISCOVERY OF OTHER GALAXIES, extragalactic systems, MODERN MEASUREMENT OF EXTRAGALACTIC DISTANCES.
Civil War HTB 2.1 Level 1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Civil War HTB 2.1 Level 1 2.1 0 62K 12/23/92 Civil War HTB 2.1 Level 1 - Information on the U.S. Civil War in HyperTextBook format. Level 1 contains the following topics COSTS OF THE WAR, DIPLOMACY AND NAVAL POLICY, ECONOMIC FACTORS, MILITARY OPERATIONS, ORIGINS, U.S. Civil War, WAR COMES.
Circuit Master EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Circuit Master 0 111K 12/23/92 Circuit Master - gives information about circuits in HyperCard format.
Chemistry Formula Game2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Chemistry Formula Game2 0 34K 12/23/92 Chemistry Formula Game - The Formula Club Game is an interactive program for practicing chemical symbols and formulas with teacher-edited ions and comments for student responses. The Macintosh randomly generates chemical formulas from the ion list saved in the program. The name of the formula is displayed in large font so several kids can participate. The student types in and enters the formula. If the answer is correct, a “correct answer” comment is randomly selected from the “praises” list and the next question is asked.
Vocab Test EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Vocab Test 0 42K 11/14/92 Vocab Test - Vocab Test is a stand alone application that teaches facts on vocabulary and other educational topics.
trigHype EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:trigHype 0 21K 11/14/92 trigHype - Solve your triangle problems by typing known information directly onto a triangle, and trigHype solves for the unknown information. Great for practical problems as well as an educational tool. Easy to use, graphical approach to simple trig. A Hypercard Stack.
Telephone Teacher EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:Telephone Teacher 0 301K 11/14/92 Telephone Teacher - This stack is a realistic telephone simulation. It has pre-recorded sounds of dialtone (timed), wrong number, and 911 emergency, home, friends, pizza, etc. Record your own sounds and enter your own phone number. When user clicks on telephone, receiver lifts and dialtone is heard. Pressing buttons will simulate dialing. Message box shows status (with proper hypenation - even correctly displayes long distance and area code properly hyphenated.) Telephone rings random number of rings. If number matches one of the five choices, the associated sound is played, or else "...please check the number and try your call again." is played.
TeachTime EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:TeachTime 0 203K 11/14/92 TeachTime - As my daughter learned to tell time, she mastered digital clocks without too much difficulty, but analog clocks were another story. Thus, I created the TeachTime stack. The learner can select which type of clock to read and say the time. The answer is spoken by my lovely assistant. In the digital mode, one can type in the time and it will be spoken. In the analog mode, there is an easy setting which rounds the time to the nearest five minutes and a beginner button which is hour and half hour only.
Star Atlas 0.6b1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:Star Atlas 0.6b1 .6b1 0 57K 11/14/92 Star Atlas 0.6b1 - Star Atlas v-0.06b1, Written by Youhei Morita using THINK C 4.0. This program draws a map of a region of the sky. Unlike the preceding application StarChart (*), it conforms to the Apple standard menu system with reverted black menu bar. (Otherwise you will find the white menu very disturbing...) It runs with MultiFinder. I confirmed it runs on MacPlus, SE, SE/30 and II with System 6.0.2 or later.
SIGMATH EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:S:SIGMATH 0 32K 11/14/92 SIGMATH - This stack presents multiplication,division,subtraction, and addition probs. with answers rounded off to correct number of significant figures or digits. Flash card format. Includes explination as to why the rounding off was done as seen. Also some intro to the rules for rounding off.
QuoteMaster™2.3.4 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:QuoteMaster™2.3.4 2.3.4 0 101K 11/14/92 QuoteMaster™2.3.4 - QuoteMaster 2.3.4 - a game where you fill in the blanks for various famous quotes and formula's. Design your own suitcases of quotes to fill in.
NatDot EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NatDot 0 28K 11/14/92 NatDot - Childern's connect the dots program. Has 30 different pictures that is displayed at ramdom. Works in color on Mac IIs.
Money Converto EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Money Converto 0 31K 11/14/92 Money Converto - This program, when ran, tells you, after you input the number of coins you have, how much money you have in dollars.
MathAttack EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MathAttack 1 34K 11/14/92 MathAttack - Missile Command type educational game requires player to use addition and subtraction to set up their defenses. HyperCard Stack.
MathAdv EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MathAdv 0 170K 11/14/92 MathAdv - Great Kids math adventure.
Math EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Math 2.0 0 30K 11/14/92 Math - This application (version 2.0) is designed to aid children in learning to add and subtract. Problems on varying levels of difficulty are presented and the child is given two chances to give a correct response. Four levels of difficulty are provided; Easy, Medium, Hard and Very Hard. Using the Macintalk Speech Synthesizer (Apple Computer, Inc.), the computer can speak the problem, answer, and a random phrase indicating whether the correct answer was given or not. Macintalk can be obtained from most bulletin boards or from dealers. If Macintalk is not installed, then chords are played.
Mad Math Minute 2.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mad Math Minute 2.0 2.0 0 9K 11/14/92 Mad Math Minute 2.0 - Mad Math minute version 2.0 stack.
Mac N States EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mac N States 0 56K 11/14/92 Mac N States - Nice Educational Program - teaches States & Capitals.
KidSpeller v1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:K:KidSpeller v1.0 1.0 0 1308K 11/14/92 KidSpeller v1.0 - This HyperCard stack is shareware. If you find this stack useful, please send $5 to Jack Friedlander, POB 1559, NY, NY 10009. Please feel free to distribute this stack. This documentation must be included with its distribution. This stack will easily assist you in preparing your own spelling list and accompanying graphics. You will need HyperCard loaded on your hard drive. If you do not have HyperCard installed and you are not very familiar with HyperCard, you should still have little problem using this stack.
GuidedReading EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GuidedReading 0 135K 11/14/92 GuidedReading - Guided Reading is a HyperCard stack whose purpose is to assist in introducing the intermediate foreign language student to the literature in the target language. It provides an easy means for the instructor to answer questions one time that she knows the students will ask over and again each semester. I am further hopeful that it will simultaneously engage the student in a way they might not otherwise be engaged. With very little practice, the instructor should be able to create lessons including digital sound, interactive video, graphics and text, designed to provide collaborative support to the intermediate and beginning language student. By David Herren.
Geostructures 1.2.c EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:Geostructures 1.2.c 1.2c 0 34K 11/14/92 Geostructures 1.2.c - Program to manipulate geostructures, works on IIsi. This is version 1.2. This program allows you to see changes in the earth and its structures below based on naturual acts. Very educational. Created in 1988 at Dartmouth College. All rights reserved.
Fverb EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:Fverb 0 8K 11/14/92 Fverb - A simple stack w/documentation that allows the conjugation of all regular and irregular verbs in the present tense. Accent sensitive for spelling change verbs.
Evolv-o-Matic 0.8 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Evolv-o-Matic 0.8 .8 0 78K 11/14/92 Evolv-o-Matic 0.8 - EVOLV-O-MATIC is an evolution simulation. The basic idea is this: if there are things that reproduce themselves with small random variations; if these variations can sometimes confer a survival advantage on their owners; and if there is competition between the reproducing entities for some necessary and limited resource; then the entities will get better at reproducing themselves over time. This happens automatically: the breeding stock cannot help but improve.
Dinosaurs EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Dinosaurs 0 170K 11/14/92 Dinosaurs - Stack with much info about dinosaurs, many good graphics.
Better U.S. Map 1.1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:B:Better U.S. Map 1.1 1.1 0 57K 11/14/92 Better U.S. Map 1.1 - Better U.S. Map 1.1 is a HyperCard stack that speaks and shows state names and info about them. Provided by Terry Spivey of KY.
Arithmetic EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Arithmetic 0 40K 11/14/92 Arithmetic - Arithmetic is a math stack that contains addition, multiplication and divison problems for kids.
Add EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Add 2.0 0 30K 11/14/92 Add - is a math game for children. Version 2.0.
WorldCap1.4 Demo EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:WorldCap1.4 Demo 1.4 0 333K 11/06/92 WorldCap1.4 - Welcome to the WorldCap 1.4 Series. Whether you are a student preparing for the National Geography Bee, a teacher responsible for imparting knowledge of world regions to your students, or a globally-aware parent, these programs are for you. Each of the WorldCap stacks are designed to help students learn the capital cities, country names, and geography of world regions.The stacks have been updated to include the sweeping political changes of recent years, around the globe. This archive includes the WorldCap 1.4 Gateway stack, your passport to the various world regions.
NEUROTOUR #1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NEUROTOUR #1 0 261K 11/06/92 NEUROTOUR #1 - This Hypercard stack is an interesting, informative stack which takes you on a tour of the brain, with an up-close look at a neuron.
Mars Observer EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Mars Observer 1 55K 11/06/92 Mars Observer - The Mars Observer spacecraft will be the first U.S. mission launched to Mars since the Viking missions in 1975. It will be launched from NASA~s Kennedy Space Center between September 16 and October 13 aboard a Titan III rocket and a Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS). Mars Observer will travel 720 million kilometers (450 million miles) in 11 months to its late-summer 1993 insertion into Martian orbit. From its nearly circular polar orbit around the planet, the three-axis stabilized spacecraft will conduct a comprehensive study of the Martian geosphere over a period of 1 Martian year (687 Earth days). Download for more info.
German Pic. Dictionary EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:German Pic. Dictionary 0 107K 11/06/92 German Pic. Dictionary - This Hypercard stack is a free sample of the Shareware version of The German Picture Dictionary. Includes German illustrations, words and sounds. Very helpful for learning to speak German.
Freedom Stack EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:F:Freedom Stack 0 240K 11/06/92 Freedom Stack - This Hypercard stack from School house Mac has many treaties, addresses, constitutions and more from American History. Great teaching tool for history classes.
TGP 1.40 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:TGP 1.40 1.40 0 77K 10/28/92 TGP1.40 - The Teacher's Grading Program is a simple yet effective way to keep track of your students progress.
Dictionary Stackv.1.0.#2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Dictionary Stackv.1.0.#2 0 1341K 10/27/92 Dictionary Stack — v.1.0.#2 - This is part 2 of the Dictionary Stack by Zimmermann. This part must be joined with part 1 for a 6 meg dictionary stack on your desktop.
Dictionary Stackv.1.0 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:D:Dictionary Stackv.1.0 1 0 1414K 10/27/92 Dictionary Stack — v.1.0 - This is part 1 of the Dictionary Stack by Zimmermann. This part must be joined with part 2 for a 6 meg dictionary stack on your desktop.
Constitution of US EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Constitution of US 0 27K 10/27/92 Constitution of US - US Constitution stack.
XLogicCircuits 1.01 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:XLogicCircuits 1.01 1.01 0 58K 10/27/92 XLogicCircuits 1.01 - The program xLogicCircuits allows you to construct (rather idealized) circuits made up of AND, OR, and NOT gates. Circuits with feedback loops are alowed, so that you can construct memory elements such as flip-flops. You can save the circuits as files. These files can later be used as subcircuits in circuits created with the program. A number of sample files are included on this disk. Because of the way the program is written, circuits created on a large screen cannot be displayed on a smaller screen. I have included sample files for both large and small screens.
XFunctions 2.2 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:T-Z:XFunctions 2.2 2.2 1 118K 10/27/92 XFunctions 2.2 - XFunctions is a general-purpose program for playing with mathematical functions. It is not meant for use in scientific analysis or for making presentation-type graphs and charts. It was written primarily to help students learn mathematics. A major goal in writing the program was to make it as easy as possible to use, so that students can concentrate on learning about mathematics, rather than learning about computers. It is also fun just to play with (at least if you are mathematically inclined).
MDR 2.0.8 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:MDR 2.0.8 2.0.8 0 217K 10/27/92 MDR 2.0.8 - MDR (Macintosh (tm) Disability Resources) is a collection of answers developed in response to the hundreds of questions the Worldwide Disability Solutions Group at Apple Computer, Inc. receives every week from individuals with disability and from special education and rehabilitation professionals. Almost all of these questions--from novices and experts alike--relate to how someone with a disability can use a Macintosh.
GENEOLOGY EXPLORER EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GENEOLOGY EXPLORER 0 42K 10/27/92 GENEOLOGY EXPLORER - Geneology explorer allows you to trace your family tree by providing record templates. DEMO!
QuickConvert 1.02 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:Q-R:QuickConvert 1.02 1.02 0 9K 10/26/92 QuickConvert - is a small freeware utility that converts integer values to different bases (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal or even a custom base between 2 and 32) or to an OSType (a sequence of four ASCII characters). The conversion may be signed or unsigned (you can always enter a signed value, it will be converted to unsigned if needed); the result may be interpreted either as a word (2 bytes) or as a long word (4 bytes). The Return and Enter keys start the conversion; Tab, shift-Tab and the four arrow keys have their usual meaning.
Op Amps EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:O-P:Op Amps 0 130K 10/14/92 OpAmpstack - This is the latest version of my Operational Amplifier stack. I've added some interactive 'labs' where you can adjust parameters of the circuit and see the effects. I've only two working circuits in this stack, but I intend to write more soon. It just takes a while to get the effects scripted right and in a form that will make sense to the user.
Math History HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:M:Math History HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 45K 10/14/92 Math History HTB 2.0 L1 - Mathematics is as old as civilization itself. By the Neolithic Period, as life became settled and villages began to appear, writing and counting became increasingly useful, if not necessary. With counting, the history of mathematics began. To count the passage of time, to weave intricate patterns in baskets or fabrics, and to apportion goods, crops, and livestock required a basic sense of arithmetic. For more information, read the contents of this educational stack.
Law HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:L:Law HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 41K 10/14/92 Law HTB 2.0 L1 - Law can be defined broadly as a system of standards and rules of civil society: standards of human conduct that impose obligations and grant corresponding rights, and institutional rules regarding the ascertainment, creation, modification, and enforcement of these standards. The question "What is law?" has elicited a myriad of answers throughout human history, ranging from the Old Testament's assertion of law as the will of God to the thesis of Karl MARX and Friedrich ENGELS that law is an expression of class ideology. For more information, read the contents of this educational stack.
Infect Diseases HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:H:Infect Diseases HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 49K 10/14/92 Infect Diseases HTB 2.0 L1 - The organisms responsible for human infections are extremely variable. VIRUSES are simple life forms consisting of nucleic acid, encoding genetic information, and surface components of protein that enable them to enter cells. Unable to multiply outside of living host cells, they are completely dependent on these cells for their continued maintenance. Viruses utilize the metabolic machinery of the cell and have the ability to interfere with, or direct in an adverse fashion, the activities of the cell. For more information, read the contents of this educational stack.
Gothic Art&Arch HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:Gothic Art&Arch HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 46K 10/14/92 Gothic Art&Arch HTB 2.0 L1 - The term Gothic was first used during the Italian Renaissance to characterize all the monuments of the Middle Ages because they were contemptuously regarded as the products of barbarian Goths and therefore utterly lacking in artistic merit. Subsequently, however, the term was restricted to the art and architecture of those centuries immediately following the Romanesque period and preceding the Renaissance. For more information, read the contents of this educational stack.
Education HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:E:Education HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 51K 10/14/92 Education HTB 2.0 L1 - Throughout history societies have sought to educate their people to produce goods and services, to respond effectively and creatively to their world, and to satisfy their curiosity and aesthetic impulses. To achieve any of these objectives people need to acquire reliable knowledge and to think systematically. This HyperTextBook discusses education in the general sense, its history and philosophy.
Computer HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Computer HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 55K 10/14/92 Computer HTB 2.0 L1 - A computer is an apparatus built to perform routine calculations with speed, reliability, and ease. One important type is the DIGITAL COMPUTER, which function internally and perform operations exclusively with digital (discrete) numbers (a type on which most recent progress has centered and which is the focus of much of this article). For more information read the contents of this educational stack on Computers.
Chemistry HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Chemistry HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 53K 10/14/92 Chemistry HTB 2.0 L1 - Chemistry is the physical science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and also the transformations that these substances undergo. Because the study of chemistry encompasses the entire material universe, it is central to the understanding of other sciences. For more information read the contents of this educational stack on Chemistry.
Cancer HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:C:Cancer HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 50K 10/14/92 Cancer HTB 2.0 - In modern society cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people throughout the world, supplanting the "white death," or tuberculosis, of the last century; the "black death," or bubonic plague, of the Middle Ages; and the leprosy of biblical times. For more information read the contents of this educational stack on Cancer.
STS-41 Mission Watch EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:STS-41 Mission Watch 0 62K 10/09/92 STS-41 Mission Watch - Photoshop files explaining the STS-41 Mission in space, from NASA.
Pictures from Space EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:Pictures from Space 0 11K 10/09/92 Pictures from Space - This text file explains how pictures are acquired from Space. A camera system on board the spacecraft measures reflected light froma planet or satellite as it enters the spacecraft's optical system. A computer converts the measurements into numerical data, which are transmitted to a receiver on Earth by radio waves. On Earth, computers reassemble the numbers into a picture.
Neptune Encounter EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:Neptune Encounter 0 2K 10/09/92 Neptune Encounter - Info on how you can order this tape directly from our contracting video company The Video Tape Company (818)985-1666 3/4" $47.00, 1/2" $34.40.
Nasa Space Missions EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:Nasa Space Missions 0 5K 10/09/92 Nasa Space Missions - contains a listing of successful planetary probes - those launched and which maintained at least communications capability with earth. Includes date, name, owner, weight, and current status.
NASA Catalog EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:NASA Catalog 0 8K 10/09/92 NASA Catalog - This file contains a listing of the NASA CORE AUDIOVISUAL CATALOG as of 6/92.
Nasa Art EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:Nasa Art 0 4K 10/09/92 Nasa Art - For more than 25 years NASA has conducted an active art program, through which it documents major activities of America's aerospace program. The idea of using art to help document NASA's effort originated with James E. Webb, NASA Administrator from 1961 to 1968. Mr. Webb believed that "important events can be interpreted by artists to give a unique insight into significant aspects of our history-making advance into space." This text file deals with NASA art issues.
ExtraTerrestrials EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:N:NASA:ExtraTerrestrials 0 3K 10/09/92 ExtraTerrestrials - "Are we alone?" This question has been a focus of philosophical speculation since humans first contemplated the cosmos. Within recent decades, it has also become a topic of legitimate scientific inquiry within the field of exobiology, the study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe. This file deals with research by NASA for other beings.
GB Sampler EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:G:GB Sampler 0 38K 10/09/92 GB Sampler - This is an illustrated sampler of the latest version of SuperDuper Gradebook (now up to version 3.7). If you are a teacher you need to check this out. Sampler includes description and screen shots of SDGB, but isnon-functional. I won't upload the whole prog & tutorials because it's gotten too big. If you like the sampler, send me a floppy for a fully functional exam copy (INCLUDE RETURN POSTAGE). This is a very very nifty program, used by many many satisfied teachers. Shareware $25.
Astronomy Hist HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Astronomy Hist HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 43K 10/09/92 Astronomy Hist HTB 2.0 L1 - Basic info on Astronomy in easy to use HyperTextBook format. Covers its history from earliest records up to the present day.
Art HTB 2.0 L1 EducateDL Trilogy II:Files:Education:A:Art HTB 2.0 L1 2.0 0 52K 10/09/92 Art HTB 2.0 L1 - All cultures throughout history have produced art. The impulse to create, to realize form and order out of mere matter--to recognize order in the world or to generate it oneself--is universal and perpetual. This stack contains basic Art info in easy to use HyperTextBook format. Covers history from earliest records up to the present day.